Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome

Serotonin Provides Numerous Calming And
Stabilizing Actions In The Brain And Body.

When we have enough serotonin, we feel emotionally stable, we can sleep, we can sort out the feelings and determine in a logical manner if there is a threat present.

When we are low in serotonin, we feel immediately irritable and we are overly sensitive to sights and sounds. We have difficulty sleeping and may suffer unexplained outbursts of tears.

We have now learned that depression is mostly due to a chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters . . . or a mix up in the brain.

Depression is one of the results of Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome.

Depression is an illness that many people often sweep under a rug. However if depression is left untreated... Your life can become a living nightmare. Depression is a growing epidemic in the US, but it never gets the urgent attention it deserves. You need help and you need it now.

Depression may be one of the side effects of many medications. including ADHD meds which explains the increase in depression in youngsters today.

When we have enough Serotonin, we are . . .

Good Natured

In addition, we are . . .

Loving and Caring
Reflective & Thoughtful
Able To
Able To Think
Things Through

And we . . .

Don't Crave
Sleep Well
Good Dream Recall

But when we have a shortage of serotonin, lookout! We are . . .

A Real Pain

    Plus we . . .

  • Fly off the handle easily . . .

  • Have a short attention span . . .

  • Seem to be "blocked" and "scattered" . . .

  • Crave those sweets and high carbohydrate foods . . .

  • Suffer from Insomnia and have poor dream recall

The consequences of serotonin deficiency syndrome can be devasting and include plunging moods, health-threatening food cravings, ruined sleep, skull-cracking headaches, overwhelming body pain and just plain exhaustion.

Because low serotonin can result from the stress and strain of our modern way of living, and because its symptoms severely reduce the joy of life to such a tremendous degree for so many people, Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome is one of the most widespread and debilitating problems of our time.

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Statements relating to these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.


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